Wednesday, 16 April 2014


MOOC is a bit of a funny name. The web definition is:

A massive open online course is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web...

Here is a picture of what a MOOC is (via wikipedia). 

Effectively, MOOCs are online 'learning for life'. I follow some of these MOOCs on Futurelearn and Udacity.  Are you taking any?? Obviously, there, you will find me with my real name, not with my pen name, but if you are interested in following me I can give you more info via private communication.

I have already completed 'Muslims in Britain' via Futurelearn. I am going to review it soon. Come back to read the review. 

I am also planning to post about 'how to select the right MOOC for you' (coming very soon).

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