Monday, 29 December 2014

..Megumi Igarashi...

This is art:

This is art:

This is art:

This is art:

This is art:

This is art:

But this is not art?

Release Megumi Igarashi now!

Thursday, 25 December 2014

...Xmas humour...

 Cheesus crust

Cheesus toaster

Cheesus grater

Cheesus cheetos

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Full BBC Documentary Films 2014 Hermaphrodites Male and Female Sex In O...

...Childfree women are invisible...

In a society where everything is child-focused (even in the West), becoming a mother is seen as the top achievement for a woman in her life.

Take a pregnancy announcement for example - or the birth of a baby. 
The (future) mother is congratulated - again and again and again. Congratulatory cards and presents are sent to her and the father.

Well, I thought that making one's genitalia procreate is as common as changing one's t-shirt. Procreating is a biological function. So, what's the point of congratulating someone when a baby is born? We are 7 billion people on this planet and we are struggling for natural resources - so why do we congratulate every human being adding into the problem via procreation? 

Some of you may say that giving congratulations when a baby is born is a social obligation. We are entitled to say 'congratulations' to expectant parents, otherwise we will be stigmatised as 'antisocial'. 

Well, I don't! I 'd rather be myself and be called antisocial than say something I don't mean. 

But let us now go back to the points raised on the first paragraph. 

Is having a baby the top achievement in a woman's life? 

In fact, the answer is yes. With so many women out there, many cannot boast for anything else than 'being a mum or a grandma'.

But how about the childfree? We certainly don't tick the boxes that would make us worthy in the eye of the 'normal' beholder - don't we? 

So, how about if a woman - a childfree woman - does really well in education or in her career? 

Take Jennifer Aniston for example. Remarkable and awarded actress. She is often labelled as selfish because she has had no children (here).

Second example: Gertrude B. Elion: Nobel Prize for Physiology/Medicine, 1988 US. She was never married and had no children.

There she is: in the picture. 


So, is getting a Nobel Prize less important for a woman than having a baby? It is for the average Jo out there. 

You know what? Sometimes I think that poor Gertrude received very few congratulations cards after winning the Nobel Prize, compared to what she would have received if she announced she gave birth to a baby. 

Friday, 19 December 2014

...The holiday...

Well, I don't celebrate Xmas. What Xmas? I am an atheist. 

I haven't put up any tree or anything. I find it pointless. 

I do however enjoy all the social aspects of social occasions, e.g. nice food, good company, a bit of bubbly. After all, why not? This year I am planning to spend the holidays with my OH. On the 25th, I will be serving a three-course dinner:

  • Appetiser: baked mozzarella sticks and stars and greens and beetroot salad.
  • Main: turkey wrapped in bacon, otherwise it tastes of nothing. Lots of veg on the side.
  • Pudding: 'Xmas' pudding with rum sauce.

I usually have duck with orange sauce for the main, but this time I am going to serve duck on new year's eve instead. 

I am very busy this year, i.e. my free time is going to be limited during the holiday. Well, I will at least try to relax a little bit and spend some time with OH.

I am planning to re-watch a few films: the '12 monkeys' is on the list. 

I have also ordered a new book to read. The left hand of darkness. It's coming all the way from the States, as I ordered it from Hurry up postman - I am thirsty for a splendid book!

Monday, 1 December 2014

...Echinacea tablets: the natural 'antibiotic'...

A couple of weeks ago I had the most horrid toothache ever. I was in pain for 3 days and nights, taking ibuprofen every 4 hours or so. 
Paracetamol did not help. Ibuprofen was just about working.

As I was unable to see the dentist straight away (I was out of town) I booked my dental appointment for the following week, but while waiting, I decided to take some echinacea tablets. 

Encinacea is not exactly an antibiotic. It's not a medicine. It's a herbal remedy. 

Enchinacea tablets strengthen the immune system and make it attack infections.

I took 3 tablets a day for a couple of days, and the following morning... my pain was gone!

I still had to go to the dentist (obviously) but my dentist agreed that Encinacea had helped reduce infection.

If it was not for Encinacea, the tooth infection might have spread. 

I am glad I discovered this powerful herb. 
Apparently, it helps getting rid of cold and flu too! 

Thursday, 6 November 2014

...Frankly, I don't give a damn about Xmas...

Or, should I call it giftmas instead? 

Xmas equals too much pretentiousness for me, it's not appealing whatsoever. 

I never make the house Xmassy, I never bother. 

With the market celebrating (sell-ebrating) Xmas since August time, by mid November one is sick of the whole thing. 

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

...Babies, children and (semi-)nude photography...

Why do the media show nude pictures of children? Why is it considered 'normal' and 'common' to share a picture of a child on social media, when the child is hardly ever dressed?

Why do you all do this? 

Seriously, don't you think that sharing a picture of a semi-naked child with your friends:

a) is utopic? 
Because most of these pictures show beautiful babies, with beautiful eyes! Have you ever seen a picture of an unattractive baby dressed in pretty clothes? Or a similar picture of a baby that lacks his/her hands or feet?  Or a picture of a blind baby?

These pictures have gone through a photoshop process. The babies look gorgeous, but in truth not all babies are beautiful, not all babies are healthy. This is simply a matter of propaganda: these pictures 'sell' the view that all babies are gorgeous, and that YOU should also become a mother / father and get a gorgeous baby like these. 

But expectations may be deceiving. Your kid may be no-oil-painting, suffer from poor health and disabilities, etc.

Babies are no photographic trophies - so stop sharing these pictures! 

b) Have you ever though that all these pictures of semi-naked children could be the apple of the eye of paedophiles? Every time you share these pictures on facebook, the paedos rejoice! In fact, in my opinion, more and more people get sexually attracted to kids simply because the media show way too many semi-naked kids.

Would you share a semi-naked picture of your kid on your social media? Then why would you share a semi-naked picture of other kids? Don't you CARE about other people's kids the way you care about your kid?

Monday, 13 October 2014

...How to chit potatoes for planting...

Simple. Place them in a dark dry place and wait for them to chit. It should chit pretty soon (1-2 weeks) but it is ready for planting in 4 weeks time. 

Some store-bought potatoes may take longer to plant as they are sprayed with chemicals to delay chitting.

Don't wet your potatoes as they will go mouldy. That's why it's important to store them in a dry place and wait for them to chit. 

When your potato tubers have long sprouting buds (by long I mean over 2 cm) they are ready for planting. 

Why is it important to chit your potatoes before planting?
Because you get harvest earlier if you do so. In fact, this is up to 3 weeks earlier... 

When you chop your chitted potatoes for planting, make sure you use a clean knife washed with antibacterial. You want to give your potato plants a great start. 

Lastly, people ask me: can I chit a potato now, and harvest at Xmas time? 

Τhe answer is no. If you chit your potatoes now, and you grow them in bags inside, then you may get your first potatoes in early February. 

Potatoes hate frost. It's not a good time to plant them outside this time of the year. But there's nothing stopping you growing them inside the house.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

...Xmas is coming and...

Frankly, I don't give a poop? (see 'Atheist')

But... potentially I could make some money. Because You have to SPEND. And I am willing to take your money. Yes, I do!

How much do you parents spend on your children's Xmas presents? 

Let me guess: a fortune?

To paraphrase Father Xmas: 'Ha ha ha'! 

NB: If you don't get a season's greetings card from me this year is because I don't like you. You are not worth the price of a stamp. Chiaro?


Sunday, 28 September 2014

The news...

Tony Blair on the cover of Gay Times: Really? The man who was responsible for the death of thousands of people is a gay icon? 

Chelsea Clinton announces that she had a baby girl. Nobody cares. 


Stephen Hawking officially announces that he is an atheist and that there is no god. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSS!  



Wednesday, 24 September 2014


So, how's life everyone? 

After my recent trips abroad I am back home catching up with everything, from work to work (yes, I know,I work hard).

The garden looks abandoned. Of course... what do you expect? The gardener spent the summer sunbathing somewhere exotic...

But, am I done with travelling abroad for this year? I do not think so. I have a couple of destinations in mind, for the end of 2014 or the beginning of 2015. Also, I must start planning my trips abroad for next Spring / Summer.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

...Jeanne Manford...

A first! In 1972, Jeanne Manford, a primary school teacher, walked the streets of New York supporting the Gay Pride Parade.

Monday, 15 September 2014

...It's about you...

It's about trust.

Maciej Osika’s transgender self-portraits in the Love and Democracy exhibition. Read more.

Friday, 5 September 2014

...I must visit the loo...

Just what I needed! Thanks! 

Take a moment and think: isn't this brilliant? If they want to take our money, they'd better accommodate our personal needs. 

...50 shades of gay...

As the title mentions, it is very difficult to define who we really are if we belong to the GLBT community. But, should we share how we feel with others? Of course we should. If people like us, they will understand. Otherwise what's the point of them being called 'friends' anyway? 

Would you openly mention on social media that you are GLBT? That's entirely up to you and how you feel that other react to your identity. I dream of the day that our gender issues will be as open as our political views, when networking.

Maybe we should start from somewhere...

Saturday, 30 August 2014

...don't like vs I hate...

I explain. Just because I don't like being around kids doesn't mean that I hate them. On the contrary, there are children I really like being with.

But truth is that I can stand kids for a couple of hours at the most, and that's about it.

(Don't you start with the 'it's different when they are yours please, as there is no guarantee I would like my own kids').

But not like doesn't mean hate. The other day I called the police and talked to a policeman about someone who was suspiciously taking pictures of kids in a nearby park. It means that I really care and I want to make sure that your children are safe. And no, I do not deserve a medal.

Sunday, 17 August 2014


Time to realise that housekeeping is not "women's work". 

Time to realise that a woman / trans/ etc/ can earn more than a man. 

Time to realise that true love has no gender.

Time to realise that not all doctors are men. 

Time to realise that a trans individual can be a model in fashion shows. 

Time to realise that a trans person can teach in college. 

Time to realise that gay people have a better sense of humour than you do. 

Time to realise that a lesbian can love a woman more than you love your wife...

Time to realise...

Time to realise...

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Yes... other parents hate your kids

In case you haven't realised yet, this is totally true. Other parents hate YOUR kids. They criticise your 'bad parenting' - even if your parenting is not bad at all. No matter what you do, these people will criticise you. They (say they) love their kids, but they hate your kids. They call them names too! They cannot tolerate them!

Of course, you do it too! You hate other people's kids. Admit it!

And then you blame the childfree for not liking your kids? 

Thursday, 31 July 2014

Parents and their sense of identity

A couple of comments about parents and how can lose their identity after having children.

1) You post hundreds of pictures of your kid on your facebook profile. You even replace your profile picture with a picture of your kid/s. Your cover picture is also a picture of your kid/s. You define yourself as a mother, but where is the old you? You know, the old fun you? I get the 'my kids mean everything to me' point, but does your kid really absorb all your personality and identity? In am certain that this is the case. As for your hobbies and free time... well... forget about them for the next x years!

2) You update your status on facebook, to mention (for the x-th time) that you are proud of your kid, because your kid is potty trained, and the likes. Frankly, your FB friends doesn't give a dam about how your kid poops. It's only your business, nobody else's. What would you think if I updated my facebook status to tell you how many times I pooped today and how I wiped my bottom? Disgusted!? Then, why do you do it? 

3) You have not done well in life and now you place your hopes on your little ones. Do you think that your kid is a special snowflake? Frankly, this is not the case. I have worked with many talented and gifted children in the past, and unless your 2 year old can speak like a lawyer, play the piano like Mozart or do high-school maths, I don't think that your kid is special (I have met and admired such kids and their amazing abilities).

4) When you are asked to mention your profession, you tell others that you are a 'full-time mum'. Well, is a 'full-time mum' a profession? I don't think so. 

5) So, you go on money saving experts forum and create a nick name as 'Pricsilla's-mum' or 'mummy-of-two-angels' ? Frankly, nobody cares!

6) Grammar police:

You can call yourself a Mommy... all means.

But 'mummy'? 

This is a mummy....

Well, do you define yourself as a mummy? ^
Unless your little one has dehydrated you and kept you awake at night, to the point of zombie-ness. 

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Lavender frozen yoghurt recipe

It's dead simple and you can't go wrong. 

Step 1: Mix 3 cups of full fat Greek yoghurt with 1/2 pot Elmlea double cream (full fat is better).  

Step 2: Add 2.5 tablespoons of honey and 3 tablespoons of brown sugar. 

Step 3: Add 2 teaspoons of dry lavender flowers or 1.5 teaspoon of fresh lavender flowers in the mix.

Step 4: add 1 teaspoon of lemon zest (this step is optional). 

Step 5: Place the mix into the freezer. Steer well every 30 minutes, until the right consistency. 

Step 6: Decorate with fresh or dry lavender. 

A tip

If you add 3 tablespoons of Baileys into the mix... well, obviously, you will sky-rocket the flavour of this delicious desert. Also, alcohol prevents the yoghurt from becoming a block of ice. 


I would love to try this with the addition of white or dark chocolate next time. 

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

...Lavender infused...

Lavender infused...




Oil? (as a beauty product)

Strawberry sauce

Milk or cream (for your sweet tooth)

ice cream


Lavender is everywhere (in England). Make the most of it and enjoy it while it lasts!

Friday, 18 July 2014

My great escape

I have just resigned from my (latest) job. I am very happy I left, as that job was a dead end, and I didn't enjoy it at all. I am not going to get into detail, but the job wasn't for me. I was overqualified for the role, and I had hidden all my university qualifications in order to get it. In the end, I ended up being miserable as I didn’t enjoy working there. Plus, it only paid national minimum wage. I can do much better, I am sure.

So, now what? 

A two month travelling abroad, to start with. Because I can.

When I get back I will start searching for a new job. This time I will only apply for jobs I would love doing. I won't compromise. 

Sunday, 13 July 2014

...Welcome to Breederville!...

Welcome to Breederville! 

The Great British Summer! Full of barbecues, great nights out, meet-ups with friends, and me-time. 

Summer Festivals take place across the country. 

My favourite festivals are the music ones. If they play rock or heavy metal music... even better! 

I went to a festival this weekend...  and it was full of crying and misbehaving kids and annoyed parents. It seams that the Great British Summer is not that great for parents after all. Now that school is out, every day at home with the kids is a bit of a nightmare. 

Yeah... Take your children to rock and heavy metal festivals! Yes, ruin yours and someone else's day!!! And ruin the artist's performance too!

Music festivals + kids = a recipe for disaster.

Luckily I can go home and have a great time. You have to go home and deal with the trouble... Remember, you chose to have kids. Now it is time to face the circumstances. 

Thursday, 10 July 2014

...No way...

Bathroom guest book....

They really do sell everything nowadays!

Saturday, 5 July 2014

...Lavender chocolate...

A recipe idea...

I have been thinking about this recipe for a while. Lavender has bloomed in the garden. Maybe I should mix cooking chocolate, double cream, and lavender flowers and make chocolate truffles with the mix. I don't want my chocolate to have chunks of flowers. Right now I am drying out some of the flowers. I may powder them in the blender before using them in this recipe.

Monday, 30 June 2014

...Foodie penpal June reveal...

This month I sent a parcel to Turkey to a lovely young lady who lives in Turkey (hello there, Cemre!). The parcel included some sweet goodies and something I had knitted for her... she can use it to secure pasta packs with it, or, as a headband. 

I received a parcel from Milou (from Holland). The parcel included some amazing goodies: fruit bars, soup, a sauce mix for a Duch curry (I am looking forward to tasting this sauce), some Dutch tea,  other tea (liquorice, fruit, soup mix and some amazing liquorice-mint candies. You have guested it right, Milou! I love liquorice!

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

...Grandbaby rabies...

If you are not aware of the term, according to this website the definition of grandbaby rabies is the following:

grandbaby rabies (what happens when older couples are so desperate to have grandchildren that they browbeat their child and in-law with the subject every possible chance — known to employ underhanded tactics such as guilt, emotional blackmail, bribery, and personal insult in order to get their way — can become entirely unreasonable and intolerable when their own offspring have chosen a child-free lifestyle)


I have highlighted the crucial points for you. 

If you are one of these older people (a mother / mother in law or father / father in law) please don't do it! Do not interfere in your son / daughter's (-in-law) life and constantly ask for grandchildren, and do not use any of the aforementioned methods to do so.

You are not ENTITLED to have grandchildren. What makes YOU think that you are such a special snowflake to deserve grandchildren? 

And why do you do it in the first place?  Why are you desperate for grandchildren? 

Here are some of your reasons:

  • I simply have to have them. Everybody has them. All my friends, the milkman, the greengrocer, aunty Betsy, everyone around me have grandchildren. 
So? Is there any written rule or law in society that says that everyone has to have grandchildren?
  • The family name should be kept alive. 
Don't you think you are selfish? Do not try to impose your massive ego on your own children and (desired) grandchildren. 
  • My DNA should be kept alive. 
Don't you think you are selfish? There are 7 billion people on this planet. What do you think makes your own DNA better than others' DNA? 

  • I deserve them. 
No. You don't. You are not special and you deserve nothing. You have to fight for things you deserve, with your own means; nothing comes for free in this life. Don't expect others to make YOUR dreams come true, while they ruin THEIR dreams, ambitions, career and life. If you have not materialised your personal dreams and ambitions (because you are useless or because you did not try hard enough), then do not expect your son / daughter or grandchildren to materialise YOUR dreams for you. If you are not successful, do not think that 'ok, my children / grandchildren will be successful one day'. Your daughter may give birth to the person who will cure cancer, the person who will be a mass murderer, or the average Jo (the latter is the more likely).
  • What would people say if I don't have them? 
Does it matter? You simply have zero confidence and you depend on what other people say about you, right?
  • It's against religion for my son / daughter (etc.) not to procreate. 
That is what YOU think. Not everybody else agrees with you. Your children disagree with you. Stop make religion an excuse for everything. Religion is a respectful compromise, but it is personally interpreted and received.
  •  Where will my inheritance go if not to my grandchildren?
Spend it! Have a fantastic third age! Or give it to your children! Money is money. It comes and goes. 
  • I need some excitement in my life. 
So, you expect others to offer it to you? Why don't YOU do something about it? In the end of the day, if you are desperate, get a dog or book a cruise. 
  • It's only right for them to have grandchildren. 
Said who? What is right for you, is not right for everyone. 

Get over it! You cannot interfere in your children's life for ever. You cannot control their lives and their bodies, and what your son / daughter (-in-law) does with their life and body is none of your business! 

Also, if you constantly nag your children and their partners asking for grandchildren, you should resit your good manners exam. Talking about other people's penisses and vaginas is none of your business, it is rude, and certainly a very private matter that you do not respect.


Thursday, 19 June 2014

...Knitting a pet blanket...

I have recently started knitting. I can knit the basics (garter stitch, pearl stitch, yarn over, 2tog, like lace). 

I made a garter stitch blanket for my cat (picture). It's a simple garter stitch, easy to make. You may ask 'why do you knit if you have a manly attitude?'. If yes, watch this video on youtube

Sunday, 15 June 2014

...A special day...

...A transgender 6 year old child...

This is the story of Ryland, a transgender 6 year old child who was born with a female body and a 'male' mind. His parents, luckily, realised that something was wrong and took action before it was too late.

Excluding the mention of god (which I find simply irrelevant), this is a lovely video, and even my childfree, dislike-all-things-kids persona would happily watch it for a second time (but not for a third time).

Watch the video...

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Charlie Chaplin - Let Us All Unite! (Melodysheep) + Download

Symphony of Science - the Quantum World!

...Make dreams come true (part 1: objectives)...

MDCT = Make Dreams Come True. 
Life is a philosophy and if you repeat this phrase several times a week, it is more likely to stick to your objectives. 

But before you do this, you need to set your goals. How do you plan to proceed without a list of ambitions? 

Take an hour or so and think. Think hard! How would you like to see yourself in 1 year from now?

Write down some bullet points that answer this question. 

Now ask the same question but change it to ...2 years from now. And then to 5 years from now.

For example:

In the following year, I would like to:

  • pass my college exams
  • find a job in the food industry
  • travel to India 

In 2 years from now, I want to:

  • publish my poetry in a book
  • graduate from law school
  • be fitter

In 5 years from now I want to:

  • work as a barrister
  • have a family
  • buy a new car

(continues in post 2)

Saturday, 7 June 2014

...Volunteering: no, I am not rich and my free time is not unlimited...

After two posts (1,2) on volunteering, a third post covers two specific misconceptions: money and free time. 

Do I look like her?

The first misconception is that people who volunteer / are willing to volunteer are wealthy - or at least they have enough money to support themselves without working. 

Let me put this straight for you. 

No. That is not the case.

I have met several volunteers out there who can hardly support themselves - but they volunteer. 

I have me the odd old lady you is a low pensioner - she volunteers for her local religious centre. 

I have met the lad who has just graduated from university - and he volunteers in the hope that he can get the experience and skills to find a paid job. He's going to be paying his student loan in the next 30 years of his life, and he is living on tesco value noodles.

I have met that lady who feeds the poor, and she is poor herself. 

I have met a disabled man who has been volunteering with other disabled individuals and his disability allowance can hardly support him. 

I have met low-paid, redundant people, and pensioners, who volunteer in politics, as they cannot stand such an expensive life.

I have met 'myself', who has been volunteering for years - even when I was unemployed. And yes, I ended up working as a freelancer because all my volunteering (15 years of it) did not help me land a single paid job!

Of course, there are plenty of volunteers out there who happen to do both: work, and volunteer. 

Moral of the story: volunteering is not (only) for financially independent people. 

Free time? You must be joking, right?

The second misconception is time.

Free time does not equal unlimited volunteering and as I have mentioned before (post 2) volunteering can become an abuse if your boss asks you to volunteer for more time than you can afford. 

This post started with a specific thought in mind, which I am going to share with you as an example. In is related to childfree living.

I recently had a chat with one of the other volunteers, who happens to be a pensioner, and volunteers her time for the local community, doing various things. 

While we were at work, she asked me if I had any children, and when I told her I am childfree, she said:

'No kids? Then you must have plenty of free time. Why don't you also come and volunteer with us at the 'name of organisation here'? You know, we are desperate for volunteers on Mondays'. 

I was left with my mouth wide open: 

a) because the lady assumed that just because I have no kids I have way too much time in my hands
and b) just because I volunteer with one organisation, it doesn't mean that I should volunteer with every cause out there. 

Then, I realised that the problem here is labelling:

Labelling the childfree as = too much free time
Labelling the volunteer as = he / she volunteers for life / is a professional volunteer

Very wrong indeed. Volunteers are not life-committed volunteers. They need to work and get paid too - and certainly they want to use their free time THE WAY THE WANT TO. They have a life outside of volunteering.

Childfree individuals have no unlimited free time. The do have some free time, maybe more time than a parent has (it always depends on who you are), but trust me, we are very busy indeed. Many of us work full-time, and the limited free time we have, we want to devote it to ourselves, our partners, our dream-chasing activities. Therefore, don't ask the childfree to volunteer if they don't want to. 

No matter who you are, your free time is no exploitation material.

There you go. 
I. said. it.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

...Volunteering... and abuse of volunteers...

I struggled to find a better word that 'abuse' to use on the title of this post. Frankly because this is exactly what I am going to talk about today. Abuse of volunteers.

I already mentioned possibly exploitation of volunteers on a previous post. I remind you that volunteering does not equal exploitation. The two are miles away when volunteers offer their services in return for something: training, professional references, networking, as a personal rewarding experience, in the hope that one can land a call it. 

So, when is volunteering an abuse? 

I answer this question based on personal experience (I have been volunteering in various settings in the last 16 years). 

Are you shouting at me? No thanks!

Volunteering is abuse when:

  • your boss keeps asking you to do more hours than you can give to the project / cause
  • your boss makes you do the work that should be done by paid staff
  • you have to pay your weight in gold in order to volunteer (a.k.a. 'milking the cow' volunteering')
  • your personal information is not personal any more.
  • you were supposed to be CRB checked in order to volunteer, but nobody has bothered to CRB check you. If your boss CRB checks you, you can put it on your CV. Although your new boss may CRB check you anyway.
  • you do all the hard work while others (staff and volunteers) are watching - and they do not offer a helping hand.
  • you are unsupervised
  • nobody provides you any training / new skills
  • your boss makes you do thinks without considering your health and safety
  • your travel expenses are not (partly) covered - unless this is not an issue for you.
  • your boss abuses your networking connections
  • your boss abuses your 'repairing the laptop' skills
  • they call YOU first every time they need someone to volunteer - and this happens ALL the time (or very often). You are not there to cover (all) emergences remember. 
  • You are bullied by the staff / other volunteers (because bullying among volunteers does exist).
  • your boss makes you do things that you don't enjoy, whether you like it or not. 
  • you are seen in an inhumane manner (as a slave; use your imagination here). 
  • you are brainwashed for things and you are emotionally abused (e.g. this frequently happens in religious and political settings of volunteering). 
  • you are not allowed to offer your opinion / view
  • the staff does not treat you as 'one of us' and as 'equal'. 
  • your confidence is going down instead of going up while you volunteer
  • you are not allowed breaks / time for yourself (e.g. time to pray if you are a Muslim). 
  • you have to pretend you like doing something when you don't (don't pretend you can work with children if you don't like being around them).
  • you are told to take illegal action whether you believe in a cause or not (use your imagination here). Unless of course you WANT to take illegal action (see 'activism' - nothing wrong with this). Then, YOU face the circumstances like an adult.
  • people don't treat you with respect
  • you don't enjoy it. 
I hope I have not left any major issues out but I am sure that you get the point. Be careful when you volunteer and make sure you know how to set your limits and how to withdraw from the post, if for any reason, you don't want to do it any more.

Friday, 30 May 2014

...Foodie Penpal May reveal...

This month I posted a parcel to Laura - a parcel full of sweet temptations that was! It was great fun making it and I hope she liked it. I am not going to mention a list of what I posted to Laura, but there were local and exotic foodie treasures in there... such as a 'Halwa', and some magnum chocolate bars.

Also, this month I received a parcel for another lovely gul, Jen from Glasgow.
It included some amazing goodies:

  • a wonderful handwritten card (bless you Jen!)
  • a breath deep organic tea, with eucalyptus, basil and thyme... I absolutely adored it!
  • some crispy seaweed thins (yummy!)
  • a stoats and and cinnamon oat bar (my partner had this - he found it delicious)
  • a stoats raspberry and honey bar (it made a great snack on the go).
  •  some really nice recipe cards: Mexican taco stew, steak fajitas, spicy seaweed salad. I must try making these. 
  • wow, these vanilla pumpkin seeds were ever so tasty! They were'nt overly sweet, and they had a wonderful aroma. I loved them!
  • a Mexican spice mix: I am going to make pork with them next weekend. 
Thank you ever so much Jen! Also, thank you ever so much to foodie penpal!

Thursday, 29 May 2014

...My relationship with technology...

I am not on facebook and I am not on tweeter. People consider me a bit weird for not having an online persona on my real name (note: this blog does not use my real name). Yet again, I do not have a telly at home, and I do not have a smartphone. I do have a mobile phone but I turn it on once a month. I use my laptop all the time, and people can reach me via email. 

I have deliberately selected this lifestyle. I used to have a telly before, but there was nothing on that I would find interesting. 

I do not think that I need a mobile phone. If I need to contact someone I simply email them, call them from my landline, or from a telephone cabinet. 

I used to have a facebook profile for several years - and loads of facebook friends too. It meant nothing to me after a while and in fact I found it very pretentious. People would always update their status in order to pass the message that they lead great lives. Facebook was full of narcissism. Full of selfies and sexy poses. It doesn't suit my view of the world.

Tweeter had a similar fate. I only kept it 'alive' for a couple of years and I hardly ever used it. 

Am I too old to use this technology? I do not think so. I know several older people who use social media. Remember: social media are certainly not for everyone.  

I have a website on my real name. This includes my work. It is typically professional and therefore, very useful for networking.

Of course I use blogger, but this is because I use this blog as my virtual diary.  As such, it does a splendid job.

I am quiet online, but busy in real life. I network a lot, and yes, I socialise a lot too. My friends simply accept me for who I am. They simply know that in order to contact me they have to call me or email me.

I am not going to change in order to make other people happy. I live in the 21st century, but I am a nostalgic dreamer. I value my quiet afternoons more than a smartphone that whistles every time I have notifications on facebook.

Monday, 19 May 2014


Forget-me-nots. The flowers of nostalgia!

Forget-me-nots are such a lovely plant, and its light blue / light pink flower combinations are beautiful. You can buy some cheap seeds on ebay and start growing them. It's really simple.

They make your garden full of colour and texture, and you can grow them in pots and offer them to friends as Easter presents (they bloom just before Easter on year 2 / bear in mind that your plant will not give flowers on year 1). 

To sow, you start your seeds inside, a couple of weeks before the last frost, and when the plants are easy to handle, you transfer them outside. You will notice that your first forget-me-not sprouts will appear in about 10 days time from the day you sowed them. Don't forget to water the seed / sprouts regularly while inside.

You can grow them from seed straight in the garden too, but they usually take a bit longer to sprout (4-6 weeks). But when you sow in the garden, make sure that the last frost has passed. 

Also, a word of advice. Don't sow too many seeds on your starting pots of compost. Forget-me-nots have a very high percentage of success when it comes to sprouting; you don't want to have to throw sprouts or plants away. The final plant does take some space, especially when sown in borders. Yet, it only reaches its final size on year 2, just before blooming. 

Forget-me-nots hardly require any care. I have never watered them while in the garden, the lovely British rain does the trick. 

I have not noticed any problems with slugs - they don't seem to like their young tender leafs. 

Mine have shades of light blue, light purple and light pink, all on the same plant. No idea if this is common, but I bet that fairy nature has worked a little miracle. Certainly my favourite flowers ever! 

Have fun growing them!

Forget Me Not

But never forget.
And never regret.
The one,
Is the one,
you will never forget,
And will make you never,
Want to regret.

(a poem by Nikki)

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

...homemade clothes conditioner...

A promised post on the 'how to save money' page.  

It is really simple and inexpensive to make your own clothes softener.
You will need:

  • bottle of value hair conditioner
  • 1/3 cup of cheap white vinegar
  • 6 drops of aromatic essential oil 
Go to the local supermarket and buy the cheapest hair conditioner you can get. I go to wilkos and buy their cheap hair conditioner; it costs me 24 pi for a whole bottle. You will also need some very cheap white vinegar - the cheapest the better. 

Buy some aromatic essential oil on ebay. I always go for lavender oil, but there are so many different aromatic essential oils to chose from! They cost no more than £ 1.40, delivery included.

Mix hair conditioner and vinegar together. Add the essential oil of your choice. 6-8 drops will do. The more your homemade clothes conditioner stands, the more intense the aroma will get. Aim to start using your clothes conditioners 3 days after making it. 

Don't add any natural colours in it, they may stain your clothes. 

Now, at first sight, this costs you more than buying a bottle of clothes conditioner from the pound or dollar store. But this is not true. The 10 mg bottle of essential oil will keep you going for years, and so will do the vinegar. I have estimated that every bottle of clothes softener I make costs me about 35 pi. Not bad for the price, don't you think?

NB: I have made this for my friends and they have all fallen in love with it. Perfect present for your mother in law, and even for Xmas. Store in a nice mason jar, add some ribbon and ... voila!

Monday, 12 May 2014

...30s hairstyles...

Long curly hair...

Truly gorgeous!

Why not?

Lovely hair accessories...


Make it...

or fake it...

