Tuesday, 24 June 2014

...Grandbaby rabies...

If you are not aware of the term, according to this website the definition of grandbaby rabies is the following:

grandbaby rabies (what happens when older couples are so desperate to have grandchildren that they browbeat their child and in-law with the subject every possible chance — known to employ underhanded tactics such as guilt, emotional blackmail, bribery, and personal insult in order to get their way — can become entirely unreasonable and intolerable when their own offspring have chosen a child-free lifestyle)


I have highlighted the crucial points for you. 

If you are one of these older people (a mother / mother in law or father / father in law) please don't do it! Do not interfere in your son / daughter's (-in-law) life and constantly ask for grandchildren, and do not use any of the aforementioned methods to do so.

You are not ENTITLED to have grandchildren. What makes YOU think that you are such a special snowflake to deserve grandchildren? 

And why do you do it in the first place?  Why are you desperate for grandchildren? 

Here are some of your reasons:

  • I simply have to have them. Everybody has them. All my friends, the milkman, the greengrocer, aunty Betsy, everyone around me have grandchildren. 
So? Is there any written rule or law in society that says that everyone has to have grandchildren?
  • The family name should be kept alive. 
Don't you think you are selfish? Do not try to impose your massive ego on your own children and (desired) grandchildren. 
  • My DNA should be kept alive. 
Don't you think you are selfish? There are 7 billion people on this planet. What do you think makes your own DNA better than others' DNA? 

  • I deserve them. 
No. You don't. You are not special and you deserve nothing. You have to fight for things you deserve, with your own means; nothing comes for free in this life. Don't expect others to make YOUR dreams come true, while they ruin THEIR dreams, ambitions, career and life. If you have not materialised your personal dreams and ambitions (because you are useless or because you did not try hard enough), then do not expect your son / daughter or grandchildren to materialise YOUR dreams for you. If you are not successful, do not think that 'ok, my children / grandchildren will be successful one day'. Your daughter may give birth to the person who will cure cancer, the person who will be a mass murderer, or the average Jo (the latter is the more likely).
  • What would people say if I don't have them? 
Does it matter? You simply have zero confidence and you depend on what other people say about you, right?
  • It's against religion for my son / daughter (etc.) not to procreate. 
That is what YOU think. Not everybody else agrees with you. Your children disagree with you. Stop make religion an excuse for everything. Religion is a respectful compromise, but it is personally interpreted and received.
  •  Where will my inheritance go if not to my grandchildren?
Spend it! Have a fantastic third age! Or give it to your children! Money is money. It comes and goes. 
  • I need some excitement in my life. 
So, you expect others to offer it to you? Why don't YOU do something about it? In the end of the day, if you are desperate, get a dog or book a cruise. 
  • It's only right for them to have grandchildren. 
Said who? What is right for you, is not right for everyone. 

Get over it! You cannot interfere in your children's life for ever. You cannot control their lives and their bodies, and what your son / daughter (-in-law) does with their life and body is none of your business! 

Also, if you constantly nag your children and their partners asking for grandchildren, you should resit your good manners exam. Talking about other people's penisses and vaginas is none of your business, it is rude, and certainly a very private matter that you do not respect.


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