...Gardening tips...

This page will be updated regularly; so, please come back for more tips.

  1. Do not throw away your banana peels. Cut them into little pieces and mix them with soil: you have a potassium-rich fertiliser.
  2. Chose an allocated spot and sow peas in the Winter and potatoes in early Summer. Peas have a unique ability: they fertilise the soil and prepare it for a generous crop of potatoes - most importantly, parasites free. 
  3. Chose flowers that (with the right care) bloom 9 months a year: pansies are the perfect candidates. They are great for hanging baskets too!
  4. If you need pots ask your fellow freecyclers for some. You will notice that they are very generous. 
  5. Kill the weeds with home-made weed-killer: mix a bottle of water with a cup of cheap vinegar and 3/4 a cup of salt. Attention: not appropriate for grass! After you pour the mix to the spot you want to de-weed, NOTHING will grow there for at least a year (including flowers). 
  6. For a bird-free allotment, hang some old CDs here and there. 
  7.  Why buy roses when you can propagate cuttings that your neighbour has kindly provided to you? (make sure that the roses you wish to propagate are not 'copyrighted' though).
  8. Choose perennials over annual plants for your garden: they will work out cheaper for you in the long term, as they keep coming back every spring. 
  9. Make your own water feature: here and here are a few ideas. It is much cheaper than buying a water feature from the stores. 
  10. Grow onions and garlic. Spring onions and cooking onions are excellent and in the UK, they grow perfectly fine all year round. They hardy require any care.

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