Monday 13 October 2014

...How to chit potatoes for planting...

Simple. Place them in a dark dry place and wait for them to chit. It should chit pretty soon (1-2 weeks) but it is ready for planting in 4 weeks time. 

Some store-bought potatoes may take longer to plant as they are sprayed with chemicals to delay chitting.

Don't wet your potatoes as they will go mouldy. That's why it's important to store them in a dry place and wait for them to chit. 

When your potato tubers have long sprouting buds (by long I mean over 2 cm) they are ready for planting. 

Why is it important to chit your potatoes before planting?
Because you get harvest earlier if you do so. In fact, this is up to 3 weeks earlier... 

When you chop your chitted potatoes for planting, make sure you use a clean knife washed with antibacterial. You want to give your potato plants a great start. 

Lastly, people ask me: can I chit a potato now, and harvest at Xmas time? 

Τhe answer is no. If you chit your potatoes now, and you grow them in bags inside, then you may get your first potatoes in early February. 

Potatoes hate frost. It's not a good time to plant them outside this time of the year. But there's nothing stopping you growing them inside the house.

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